Port: <b>%s</b>
Server Operating System Type: <b>%s</b>
Configuration Readonly!
Remote Poller Variables
The variables that must be set in the config.php file include the following:
It is essential that the Central Cacti server can communicate via MySQL to each remote Cacti database server. Once the install is complete, you must edit the Remote Data Collector and ensure the settings are correct. You can verify using the 'Test Connection' when editing the Remote Data Collector.
One or more paths appear to be incorrect, unable to proceed
Please ensure the directory permissions below are correct before proceeding. During the install, these directories need to be owned by the Web Server user. These permission changes are required to allow the Installer to install Device Template packages which include XML and script files that will be placed in these directories. If you choose not to install the packages, there is an 'install_package.php' cli script that can be used from the command line after the install is complete.
These directories will be required to stay read writable after the install so that the Cacti remote synchronization process can update them as the Main Cacti Web Site changes
Not Writable
The user '%s' should have MODIFY permission to enable read/write.
An example of how to set folder permissions is shown here, though you may need to adjust this depending on your operating system, user accounts and desired permissions.
Therefore, several versions ago, Cacti was enhanced to provide Whitelist capabilities on the these types of Data Input Methods. Though this does secure Cacti more thoroughly, it does increase the amount of work required by the Cacti administrator to import and manage Templates and Packages.
To make identifying Data Input Methods in this state, we have provided a validation script in Cacti's CLI directory that can be run with the following options:
It is strongly suggested that you update your config.php to enable this feature by uncommenting the <b>$input_whitelist</b> variable and then running the three CLI script options above after the web based install has completed.
If your devices require a different set of options to be used first, you may define them below and they will be utilized before the defaults
All options may be adjusted post installation
This may occur if you have a blank database and have not yet imported the cacti.sql file
Your server collation appears to be UTF8 compliant
Your server collation does NOT appear to be fully UTF8 compliant.