The internal database ID for this Data Source. Useful when performing automation or debugging.
The number of Graphs and Aggregate Graphs that are using the Data Source.
The frequency that data is collected for this Data Source.
If this Data Source is no long in use by Graphs, it can be Deleted.
Whether or not data will be collected for this Data Source. Controlled at the Data Template level.
The Data Template that this Data Source was based upon.
Damaged Data Source Name
No Data Sources Found
No Graphs
No Aggregates
Change Profile
Field "%s" is missing an Output Field
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Data Template(s). Any data sources attached to these templates will become individual Data Source(s) and all Templating benefits will be removed.
Delete Data Template(s)
Click 'Continue' to duplicate the following Data Template(s). You can optionally change the title format for the new Data Template(s).
Duplicate Data Template(s)
Click 'Continue' to change the default Data Source Profile for the following Data Template(s).
New Data Source Profile