Graph [Template: %s]
Graph Items [Template: %s]
Data Source [Template: %s]
Custom Data [Template: %s]
Give this Report a descriptive Name
e.g. 'Week(s)' represents a weekly Reporting Interval.
e.g. If the Report Interval is 'Month(s)', then '2' indicates Every '2 Month(s) from the next Mailtime.' Lastly, if using the Month(s) Report Intervals, the 'Day of Week' and the 'Day of Month' are both calculated based upon the Mailtime you specify above.
This Name will be used as the default E-mail Sender
This Address will be used as the E-mail Senders address
Please separate multiple addresses by comma (,)
Blind carbon copy. Please separate multiple addresses by comma (,)
Select one of the given Types for the Image Attachments
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Report(s).
Click 'Continue' to take ownership of the following Report(s).
Click 'Continue' to duplicate the following Report(s). You may optionally change the title for the new Reports
Click 'Continue' to enable the following Report(s).
Please be certain that those Report(s) have successfully been tested first!
Click 'Continue' to send the following Report(s) now.
Unable to send Report '%s'. Please set destination e-mail addresses
Unable to send Report '%s'. Please set an e-mail subject