The maximum time that spine will wait on a script to complete. This timeout value is in seconds and is only valid for the spine Data Collector.
Weekly on Sunday
%d Processes
<blockquote><i>Built-in Authentication</i> - Cacti handles user authentication, which allows you to create users and give them rights to different areas within Cacti.<br><br><i>Web Basic Authentication</i> - Authentication is handled by the web server. Users can be added or created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used.<br><br><i>LDAP Authentication</i> - Allows for authentication against a LDAP server. Users will be created automatically on first login if the Template User is defined, otherwise the defined guest permissions will be used. If PHPs LDAP module is not enabled, LDAP Authentication will not appear as a selectable option.<br><br><i>Multiple LDAP/AD Domain Authentication</i> - Allows administrators to support multiple disparate groups from different LDAP/AD directories to access Cacti resources. Just as LDAP Authentication, the PHP LDAP module is required to utilize this method.</blockquote>
No User
Basic Auth Mapfile
This will require new passwords to contains both lower and upper-case characters.
%d Changes
%d Attempts
Auto Unlock
Mode which cacti will attempt to authenticate against the LDAP server.<blockquote><i>No Searching</i> - No Distinguished Name (DN) searching occurs, just attempt to bind with the provided Distinguished Name (DN) format.<br><br><i>Anonymous Searching</i> - Attempts to search for username against LDAP directory via anonymous binding to locate the user's Distinguished Name (DN).<br><br><i>Specific Searching</i> - Attempts search for username against LDAP directory via Specific Distinguished Name (DN) and Specific Password for binding to locate the user's Distinguished Name (DN).
Distinguished Name (DN)
The "Distinguished Name" syntax, applicable for both OpenLDAP and Windows AD configurations, offers flexibility in defining user identity. For OpenLDAP, the format follows this structure: <i>"uid=&lt;username&gt;,ou=people,dc=domain,dc=local"</i>. Windows AD provides an alternative syntax: <i>"&lt;username&gt;@win2kdomain.local"</i>, commonly known as "userPrincipalName (UPN)". In this context, "&lt;username&gt;" represents the specific username provided during the login prompt. This is particularly pertinent when operating in "No Searching" mode, or "Require Group Membership" enabled.
Search filter to use to locate the user in the LDAP directory, such as for windows: <i>'(&amp;(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=user)(userPrincipalName=&lt;username&gt;*))'</i> or for OpenLDAP: <i>'(&(objectClass=account)(uid=&lt;username&gt))'</i>. '&lt;username&gt' is replaced with the username that was supplied at the login prompt.
Distinguished Name for Specific Searching binding to the LDAP directory.
Field that will replace the Full Name when creating a new user, taken from LDAP. (on windows: displayname)
Field that will replace the Email taken from LDAP. (on windows: mail)
The username to authenticate with when sending via SMTP. (Leave blank if you do not require authentication.)
The password to authenticate with when sending via SMTP. (Leave blank if you do not require authentication.)