Legend Direction (--legend-direction=<direction>)
The color to use for the legend.
[HRULE|VRULE]: The value of the graph item.<br/> [TICK]: The fraction for the tick line.<br/> [SHIFT]: The time offset in seconds.
All subsequent legend line(s) will be aligned as given here. You may use this command multiple times in a single graph. This command does not produce tabular layout.<br/><strong>Note: </strong>You may want to insert a &lt;HR&gt; on the preceding graph item.<br/> <strong>Note: </strong>A &lt;HR&gt; on this legend line will obsolete this setting!
In case LINE was chosen, specify width of line here. You must include a decimal precision, for example 2.00
Dashes (dashes[=on_s[,off_s[,on_s,off_s]...]])
Dash Offset (dash-offset=offset)
The physical location of the Device. This free form text can be a room, rack location, etc.
Poller Association
Device Site Association
What Site is this Device associated with.
The number of concurrent threads to use for polling this device. This applies to the Spine poller only.
Availability/Reachability Options
Downed Device Detection
The method Cacti will use to determine if a host is available for polling. <br><i>NOTE: It is recommended that, at a minimum, SNMP always be selected.</i>
The type of ping packet to sent. <br><i>NOTE: ICMP on Linux/UNIX requires root privileges.</i>
XML Path
Enter the password for this user twice. Remember that passwords are case sensitive!
Must Change Password at Next Login
The Image Format to be used when importing or updating Graph Templates.