Index found at OID: '%s' value: '%s'
List of indexes filtered by value @ '%s' Index Count: %s
Filtered Index by value found at OID: '%s' value: '%s'
Filtering list of indexes @ '%s' Index Count: %s
Filtered Index found at OID: '%s' value: '%s'
Fixing wrong 'method' field for '%s' since 'rewrite_index' or 'oid_suffix' is defined
Inserting index data for field '%s' [value='%s']
Located input field '%s' [get]
Found OID rewrite rule: 's/%s/%s/'
oid_rewrite at OID: '%s' new OID: '%s'
Executing SNMP get for data @ '%s' [value='%s']
Field '%s' %s
Executing SNMP get for %s oids (%s)
Sort field returned no data for OID[%s], skipping.
Found result for data @ '%s' [value='%s']
Setting result for data @ '%s' [key='%s', value='%s']
Skipped result for data @ '%s' [key='%s', value='%s']
Got SNMP get result for data @ '%s' [value='%s'] (index: %s)
Executing SNMP get for data @ '%s' [value='$value']
Located input field '%s' [walk]