RRDtool Proxy Server - Backup
Load Balancing
If both main and backup proxy are receivable this option allows to spread all requests against RRDtool.
The DNS hostname or IP address of the RRDtool backup proxy server if proxy is running in MSR mode.
TCP port for encrypted communication with the backup proxy.
The fingerprint of the current public RSA key the backup proxy is using. This required to establish a trusted connection.
Spike Kill Settings
Removal Method
There are two removal methods. The first, Standard Deviation, will remove any sample that is X number of standard deviations away from the average of samples. The second method, Variance, will remove any sample that is X% more than the Variance average. The Variance method takes into account a certain number of 'outliers'. Those are exceptional samples, like the spike, that need to be excluded from the Variance Average calculation.
Standard Deviation
Variance Based w/Outliers Removed
Replacement Method
There are three replacement methods. The first method replaces the spike with the average of the data source in question. The second method replaces the spike with a 'NaN'. The last replaces the spike with the last known good value found.
Last Known Good
Number of Standard Deviations
Any value that is this many standard deviations above the average will be excluded. A good number will be dependent on the type of data to be operated on. We recommend a number no lower than 5 Standard Deviations.
%d Standard Deviations
Variance Percentage