Data Query
Rule Name
The name of this rule.
The internal database ID for this rule. Useful in performing debugging and automation.
Graph Type
No Graph Rules Found
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Can Not Restart Discovery for Discovery in Progress for Network '%s'
Can Not Perform Discovery for Disabled Network '%s'
ERROR: You must specify the day of the week. Disabling Network %s!.
ERROR: You must specify both the Months and Days of Month. Disabling Network %s!
ERROR: You must specify the Months, Weeks of Months, and Days of Week. Disabling Network %s!
ERROR: Network '%s' is Invalid.
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Network(s).
Click 'Continue' to enable the following Network(s).
Click 'Continue' to disable the following Network(s).
Click 'Continue' to discover the following Network(s).