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Log Management
Default Log Tail Lines
Default number of lines of the Cacti log file to tail.
Maximum number of rows per page
User defined number of lines for the CLOG to tail when selecting 'All lines'.
Log Tail Refresh
How often do you want the Cacti log display to update.
Log Viewer Settings
Exclusion Regex
Any strings that match this regex will be excluded from the user display. <strong>For example, if you want to exclude all log lines that include the words 'Admin' or 'Login' you would type '(Admin || Login)'</strong>
Real-time Graphs
Enable Real-time Graphing
When an option is checked, users will be able to put Cacti into Real-time mode.
This timespan you wish to see on the default graph.
Minimum Refresh Interval
This is the minimal supported time between Graph updates. This value is also used to set certain RRDfile attributes. If you have a Device that caches data and does not provide realtime updates, you may have to increase the default Minimum Refresh Interval to prevent creating Graphs with gaps.
Cache Directory
This is the location, on the web server where the RRDfiles and PNG files will be cached. This cache will be managed by the poller. Make sure you have the correct read and write permissions on this folder