The default Graph Height to be used for all new Graph Templates.
The default Graph Width to be used for all new Graph Templates.
General Defaults
The default Device Template used on all new Devices.
The default Site for all new Devices.
The default Poller for all new Devices.
Device Threads
The default number of Device Threads. This is only applicable when using the Spine Data Collector.
%s Thread
%s Threads
Re-index Method for Data Queries
The default Re-index Method to use for all Data Queries.
Default Interface Speed
If Cacti can not determine the interface speed due to either ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed not being set or being zero, what maximum value do you wish on the resulting RRDfiles.
100 Mbps Ethernet
1 Gbps Ethernet
10 Gbps Ethernet
25 Gbps Ethernet
40 Gbps Ethernet
56 Gbps Ethernet