Cacti includes support for multiple alternate Language Translation Processors. If none is selected Cacti will attempt to use the first one found.
Client TimeZone Support
How should Cacti support Client Dates based upon the Client browsers timezone.
Date Display Format
The System default date format to use in Cacti.
Date Separator
The System default date separator to be used in Cacti.
Other Settings
Show only site specific locations
Show only locations that are available at a devices selected site.
Has Graphs/Data Sources Checked
Should the Has Graphs and Has Data Sources be Checked by Default.
RRDtool Version
The version of RRDtool that you have installed.
Enable Gradient Support
Enabled Gradient Support for AREA and STACK charts.
Graph Permission Method
There are four methods for determining a User's Graph Permissions. The first is 'Permissive'. Under the 'Permissive' setting, a User only needs access to either the Graph, Device or Graph Template to gain access to the Graphs that apply to them. Under 'Restrictive', the User must have access to the Graph, the Device, and the Graph Template to gain access to the Graph. These first two methods have scalability problems for very large installs. So, two additional options are available. They are 'Device Based', which means if you have access to the Device, you get access to it's Graphs. And lastly 'Graph Template Based', which means if you have access to the 'Graph Template' you get access to all Device Graphs of that Template.