No string matched your search!
The number of rows for Cacti RRA id '%s' is incorrect. The number of rows are '%s' but should be '%s'
Die Anzahl der Zeilen für Cacti-RRA-ID '%s' ist falsch. Die Anzahl der Zeilen ist '%s', sollte aber '%s' sein
If using the Cacti Performance Booster and choosing a memory storage engine, you have to be careful to flush your Performance Booster buffer before the system runs out of memory table space. This is done two ways, first reducing the size of your output column to just the right size. This column is in the tables poller_output, and poller_output_boost. The second thing you can do is allocate more memory to memory tables. We have arbitrarily chosen a recommended value of 10%% of system memory, but if you are using SSD disk drives, or have a smaller system, you may ignore this recommendation or choose a different storage engine. You may see the expected consumption of the Performance Booster tables under Console -> System Utilities -> View Boost Status.
When performing joins, if they are below this size, they will be kept in memory and never written to a temporary file. As this is a per connection memory allocation, care must be taken not to increase it too high. The sum of the join_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size + read_buffer_size + read_rnd_buffer_size + thread_stack + binlog_cache_size + Core MySQL/MariaDB memory should be below 80%. If the recommendation is negative, you must decrease this and or the sort_buffer_size until the recommendation fits within the allowable memory.
InnoDB will hold as much tables and indexes in system memory as is possible. Therefore, you should make the innodb_buffer_pool large enough to hold as much of the tables and index in memory. Checking the size of the /var/lib/mysql/cacti directory will help in determining this value. We are recommending 25%% of your systems total memory, but your requirements will vary depending on your systems size.
Logout of Cacti
Abmeldung von Cacti
The Package %s Import Failed
Paketimport fehlgeschlagen.
Automatically Trust Signer
Automatisch dem Unterzeichner vertrauen
Main / Remote Status
WARNING: Cacti Polling Cycle Exceeded Poller Interval by
WARNUNG: Polling-Zyklus für Cacti hat das Poller-Intervall überschritten um
Cacti Primary Admin
Cacti Primary Admin
Cacti Settings (%s)%s
Cacti-Einstellungen (%s)%s
Select the Template type that you wish to export from Cacti.
Wählen Sie den Vorlagentyp aus, den Sie aus Cacti exportieren möchten.
Met: %d
Getroffen: %d
Different version of Cacti and Spine!
Verschiedene Versionen von Cacti und Spine!
Process: %d
Prozess %d