English Chinese (Traditional)
There were '%d' Entries Added/Updated in the database. 數據庫中添加/更新了'%d'個條目。
There were '%d' Records Removed from the database. 從數據庫中刪除了'%d'記錄。
HOST: %s, IP address information collection complete 主機:%s,IP地址信息收集完成
Device Rescan '%s' 設備重新掃描'%s'
Site scan '%s' 網站掃描'%s'
Device Enable '%s' 設備啟用'%s'
Device Disable '%d' 設備禁用'%d'
%d Weeks %d週
Status: Running, Processes: %d, Progress: %s, LastRuntime: %2.1f 狀態:正在運行,進程:%d,進度:%s,LastRuntime:%f
Status: Idle, LastRuntime: %2.1f seconds, Processes: %d processes, Devices: %d, Next Run Time: %s 狀態:空閒,LastRuntime:%f秒,進程:%d進程,設備:%d,下次運行時間:%s
Scanning Rate: Every %s 掃描速度:每%s
Device Tracking Device: (%s) successfully updated 設備跟踪設備:(%s)已成功更新
There were %d Device Types Added! 有%d個設備類型已添加!
HEADER LINE PROCESSED OK: <br>Columns found where: %s HEADER LINE PROCESSED OK: <br>列中找到:%s
HEADER LINE PROCESSING ERROR: Missing required field <br>Columns found where: %s HEADER LINE PROCESSING ERROR:缺少必填字段<br>列中找到:%s
INSERT SUCCEEDED: Vendor: %s, Description: %s, Type: %s, sysDescr: %s, sysObjectID: %s INSERT SUCCEEDED:供應商:%s,描述:%s,類型:%s,sysDescr:%s,sysObjectID:%s
INSERT FAILED: Vendor: %s, Description: %s, Type: %s, sysDescr: %s, sysObjectID: %s INSERT FAILED:供應商:%s,描述:%s,類型:%s,sysDescr:%s,sysObjectID:%s
INSERT SKIPPED, EXISTING: Vendor: %s, Description: %s, Type: %s, sysDescr: %s, sysObjectID: %s INSERT SKIPPED,現有:供應商:%s,描述:%s,類型:%s,sysDescr:%s,sysObjectID:%s
Device Tracking Device Types [edit: %s] 設備跟踪設備類型[編輯:%s]
HEADER LINE PROCESSED OK: <br>Columns found where: %s HEADER LINE PROCESSED OK: <br>列中找到:%s