English Chinese (Traditional)
Invalid Password provided. Login failed. 提供的密碼無效。登錄失敗。
Unexpected error %s (Ldap Error: %s) on Server (%s) 意外錯誤%s(Ldap錯誤:%s)
IPv6 support seems to be missing!
IPv6 support appears to be missing!
The Plugin directory '%s' needs to be renamed to remove 'plugin_' from the name before it can be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an version function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an install function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
Device '%s' successfully added to Report. 添加到仙人掌
Device not found! Unable to add to Report 未找到圖表嘗試添加到報告
Device '%s' not added to Report as it already exists on report. 設備“%s”未添加到報告中,因為它已存在於報告中。
The required RRDfile step size is '%s' but observed step is '%s' 必需的RRD步長為'%s'
The pdp_per_row of '%s' is invalid for RRA '%s' should be '%s'. Consider deleting and allowing Cacti to re-create RRDfile.
The XFF for Cacti RRA id is '%s' but should be '%s' 仙人掌RRA id'%s'的XFF應為'%s'
The number of rows for Cacti RRA id '%s' is incorrect. The number of rows are '%s' but should be '%s' Cacti RRA id'%s'的行數應為'%s'
The RRA '%s' missing in the existing Cacti RRDfile RRD文件中缺少RRA'%s'
Errors Found 沒有 %s 找到
Optional Tuning Recommendations 數據源字段
Graph Not created for %s due to bad data 圖形創建
NOTE: Graph not added for Data Query %s and index %s due to Data Source verification failure
If this number is negative, reduce the innodb_buffer_pool_size until the join_buffer_size turns positive, but allocate approximately from between 25%-50% of memory to the innodb_buffer_pool_size if the database is hosted on the Cacti server, or upto 80% of the systems memory if the database is separate from the Cacti web server. However, try to not go below the default of 262,144. When performing joins, if they are below this size, they will be kept in memory and never written to a temporary file. As this is a per connection memory allocation, care must be taken not to increase it too high. The sum of the join_buffer_size + sort_buffer_size + read_buffer_size + read_rnd_buffer_size + thread_stack + binlog_cache_size + Core MySQL/MariaDB memory should be below 80% if the database is hosted on the Cacti web server and less if you intend to have very large RRDfiles or hundreds of thousands to millions long term.