English Chinese (Traditional)
Does Not Match 密碼不匹配
Update Re-Index Cache complete. There were %s index changes, and %s orphaned indexes. 更新重新索引緩存完成。曾經有
Auto Bulk Walk Size Selected. 選擇了自動批量步行大小。
Tested Bulk Walk Size %d with a response of %2.4f. 測試批量步行大小 %d,響應為 %2.4f。
Bulk Walk Size selected was %d. 選擇的批量步行大小為 %d。
Saving Bulk Walk Size to Device. 將批量步行大小保存到設備。
Bulk Walk Size is fixed at %d. 批量步行大小固定為 %d。
List of indexes filtered by value @ '%s' Index Count: %s 過濾索引列表@'%s'索引計數:%s
Filtered Index by value found at OID: '%s' value: '%s' 在OID找到過濾的索引:'%s'值:'%s'
No index[%s] in value_index_parse, skipping.
Bogus rewrite_value item found, index='%s'
Could not parse translation map (rewrite_value)
rewrite_value: '%s' => '%s' OID的oid_rewrite:'%s'新的OID:'%s'
Update graph data query cache complete 更新數據查詢排序緩存完成
RRDfile not created yet 輪詢後RRD文件未更新
Settings save to Data Collector %d skipped due to heartbeat. 設置保存到Data Collector%d失敗。
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' does not allow nulls and variable is null
Form Validation Failed: Variable '%s' with Value '%s' Failed REGEX '%s'
One or more fields failed validation
Information PHP 資訊