English Chinese (Simplified)
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Aggregate Graph on a Report. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的聚合图形模板
Report Name: 报告名称
Timespan: 时间跨度
Align: 对齐
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Aggregate Graph on Tree %s. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的聚合图形模板
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Aggregate Graphs on Tree %s. 点击 '继续',在树形分支下放置下面的聚合图形.
RRDtool Says: RRDtool Says:
[ Custom Graphs List Applied - Clear to Reset ] [自定义图形列表应用 - 过滤器从列表]
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Aggregate Graph Template. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的聚合图形模板
Click 'Continue' to Delete following Aggregate Graph Templates. 点击 '继续' 删除下面的聚合图形模板
Access Denied! Guest user id %s does not exist. Please contact your Administrator. 访问被拒绝,请联系Cacti 管理员.
Device %s Added to Cacti 添加到Cacti
Device %s Not Added to Cacti 没有添加到Cacti
Poller: Poller
Availability Method: 可用性方法
Uptime Uptime
Cacti has Imported the following Graph Rules Cacti 导入了以下条目:
TCP or UDP port to attempt connection. TCP or UDP port to attempt connection.
Schedule 计划
Cacti has Imported the following SNMP Options Cacti 导入了以下条目: