English Chinese (Simplified)
The default Device Template used on all new Devices. 所有新设备上使用的默认设备模板.
The default number of Device Threads. This is only applicable when using the Spine Data Collector. 设备线程的默认数量.这仅适用于使用Spine Data Collector时.
Default Interface Speed 默认图形类型
If Cacti can not determine the interface speed due to either ifSpeed or ifHighSpeed not being set or being zero, what maximum value do you wish on the resulting RRDfiles. 如果Cacti无法确定由于ifSpeed或ifHighSpeed未设置或为零而导致的接口速度,那么您希望在生成的RRDfiles上获得什么最大值。
100 Mbps Ethernet 100 Mbps以太网
1 Gbps Ethernet 1 Gbps以太网
10 Gbps Ethernet 10 Gbps以太网
25 Gbps Ethernet 25 Gbps以太网
40 Gbps Ethernet 40 Gbps以太网
56 Gbps Ethernet 56 Gbps以太网
100 Gbps Ethernet 100 Gbps以太网
Default Ping Port for all new Devices. With TCP, Cacti will attempt to Syn the port. With UDP, Cacti requires either a successful connection, or a 'port not reachable' error to determine if the Device is up or not. 所有新设备的默认Ping 端口. 如使用TCP, Cacti 将尝试发送syn包到端口.如使用UDP,Cacti 则要么成功连接,要么 '端口无法访问' 错误, 以确定设备是否已启动.
Default Ping Timeout value in milli-seconds for all new Devices. The timeout values to use for Device SNMP, ICMP, UDP and TCP pinging. ICMP Pings will be rounded up to the nearest second. TCP and UDP connection timeouts on Windows are controlled by the operating system, and are therefore not recommended on Windows. 所有新设备的默认Ping 超时值(以毫秒为单位).用于设备SNMP,ICMP,UDP和TCP ping的超时值. ICMP Pings 将四舍五入到最接近的秒数. Windows 上的TCP 和UDP 连接超时由操作系统控制,因此不建议在Windows 上使用.
. This is limited by the php setting 'max_input_vars', currently:
Autocomplete Delay 列自动完成
The number of milliseconds to wait before initiating a call to the server for autocomplete. Any value less than 500 will assume 500ms
Minimum Tree Width 最小长度
The Minimum width of the Tree to contract to. 要收缩的树的最小宽度。
Maximum Tree Width 标题长度最大值
The Maximum width of the Tree to expand to, after which time, Tree branches will scroll on the page. 要扩展到的最大树的宽度,此后,树枝将在页面上滚动。