English Bulgarian
Developers working on Cacti, its Architecture, Documentation and Future Releases.
Contributors to Docuemntation, QA, Packaging, the Forums and our YouTube page.
Members of the original Cacti Group that have since moved on in their careers. We continue to wish them the best.
The Main Data Collector has gone to an Offline or Recovering Status
Refresh Poller Table Per Cycle
This setting is for a single poller systems only to rebuild the poller output table on each polling cycle to prevent the memory table from swapping on very large systems with large databases that could use swap.
The pdp_per_row of '%s' is invalid for RRA '%s' should be '%s'. Consider deleting and allowing Cacti to re-create RRDfile.
Start of Business Day
The time your business hours start. Format: hh:mm
End of Business Day
Changing Permission Model Warning
The time your business hours end. Format: hh:mm
Changing Permission Model will alter a users effective Graph permissions.
After you change the Graph Permission Model you should audit your Users and User Groups Effective Graph permission to ensure that you still have adequate control of your Graphs. NOTE: If you want to restrict all Graphs at the Device or Graph Template Graph Permission Model, the default Graph Policy should be set to 'Deny'.
Only show business hours during weekdays.
Show business hours
Display business hours on rrd graphs.
Color to use for business hours
The color to be shown for business hours
After this number of days, the business hours will not be added to the graph. <br/>Recommended: 62 days